Wildlife Services


We believe that our wildlife control techniques are the best in the business and will allow us to handle your unique situation as quickly and humanely as possible.

Waco Texas Wildlife

Action Services offers comprehensive solutions for safe humane animal removal. Our job is to solve your wildlife problem and prevent it from happening again in the future.

We Specialize in the
Extraction of:

  • Armadillos
  • Bats
  • Birds
  • Opossums
  • Raccoons
  • Rodents
  • Skunks
  • Snakes
  • Rattlenakes
  • Squirrels
  • Beaver
  • Fox
  • Nutria
  • Rabbits
  • Moles
  • And More!

Armadillos can be found worldwide, but here in the United States, the kind that you are encountering will be the nine-banded armadillo. They are nocturnal and are burrowers…it is because of this burrowing that they are considered a pest. They can easily tear up a yard, a farm or a garden by digging up the soil with their sharp claws. Contact Action Services to rid your home or yard of unwanted Armadillos.


Some species of birds can create a nuisance, including making a noise, fouling, flying into an open door or window and becoming trapped in your home, even causing property damage. Some birds are protected by law…it is best to contact Action Services to remove and relocate any nuisance birds around your home.


Opossums are usually solitary and nomadic, staying in one area as long as food and water are easily available. Some families will group together in ready-made burrows or even under houses. When threatened or harmed, they will play possum, mimicking the appearance and smell of a sick or dead animal. Contact Action Services for removal and relocation of any unwanted opossums on your property today!


Raccoons can cause property damage around homes and outbuildings, especially when they try to enter homes through attics or chimneys, which they are known to use as denning sites. In some cases, raccoons have torn off shingles or boards to gain access to an attic or wall space. Raccoons often raid garbage cans in search of food and can become a real nuisance to your home. Let Action Services take care of your Raccoon problem by using live traps to safely capture and relocate them from your property.


Rodents chew on a variety of items and cause great damage in and around homes. They invade your home seeking food, water and warmth. If you have a rodent, rat or mouse problem, contact Action Services today!


Skunks, known mostly for their distinct, foul smell, also can be a nuisance aside from their smell…they like digging under foundations to take refuge under homes and also will burrow underneath outbuildings and decks. Contact Action Services to rid your home of unwanted Skunks today!


Worldwide there are over 2,700 snake species. Some are venomous while some are not, however all snakes should be treated with respect and left alone regardless of venom. In the Central Texas area, we mostly see Copperheads, Rattlesnakes, Coral Snakes and Water Moccasins. Please contact our trained professionals at Action Services to rid your home or property of snakes…quickly and safely!


Aside from seeing the squirrels, signs of their presence include gnaw damage, for eating and nesting sites, as well as daytime sounds of their activity, such as in your attic. Squirrels can be a challenge to control and since many of the species are protected, it is advised that a professional be contacted to handle the situation. Contact our professional team at Action Services to help rid your home and property of any unwanted squirrels.